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What would you do if your girlfriend woke up from a coma after 18 years
and told you the world was about to end? For Richard and his friends,
who have just spent 18 years being miserable, this is kind of hard to
cope with. What is worse is that the prediction comes true, and the small
band of friends could be the only ones who can save the planet. Only they
haven't got a clue. In his latest novel, Girlfriend in a Coma, Canadian
author Douglas Coupland continues on the path he started on with his debut
Generation X. That was mainly concerned with the lives of thirty-somethings
in the 90s, charting the emptiness of post-modern society. But even in
Generation X, Coupland seemed to be looking for something to fill that
emptiness. In his later novels, Shampoo Planet and Microserfs, his characters
tried to fill the void with storytelling and pleasant work. In Life after
God he came to the (surprising?) conclusion that what modern-day society
might be missing is religion. Girlfriend in a Coma takes the search even
further. And although he needs a ghost and an impossible time-leap to
get his message across, he still manages to tell a convincing story, packed
with his usual dose of humour. But unlike his fellow Generation X-er Brett
Easton Ellis, Coupland is not content with merely describing the lives
of today's young adults. Where Ellis limits himself to writing books about
hollow people, who may be searching for something but never hard enough
to find anything, Coupland finds the escape. Again, he has managed to
write a gripping and enjoyable book which, after you've closed it, will
give you plenty to think about.
Geert-Willem Overdijkink, The Netherlands
Girlfriend in a Coma is published by Regan Books, a
division of HarperCollins New York. ISBN 0-06-039178-2